Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Life continues...

Joy is doing ok. She is comfortable and still happily eating out on the pasture round the clock, unless I need to turn out my other mare for a couple hours. She still gimps around, but at least she's not in chronic pain.

My new project, Shyanna, continues to steadily gain weight. She had her feet trimmed last Friday and is more comfortable. Her feet were so long that she'll need another trimming in three weeks before she can be ridden.

She has gained weight, though she still needs some muscle and fat along her top line. I should have taken photos when she first arrived. Her spine was evidence all the way back to her tailhead, the points of her hips stuck out, you could count every rib. She's a relatively young mare, only 9 or 10 yrs old. She's also VERY well bred.

The moron who was boarding her has what FHOTD would describe a Barn Blindness. He repeatedly told the horse's owner that she was healthy and in fine condition. The horse's owner, being only 17 and trying to support the mare on her own, just accepted his statement. I chastised her that it was HER responsibility to find an alternative place for her, that she could have called on me at any time. At least the Shyanna's owner is being responsible now, having bought a ton of hay and reimburses me for the extra feed that the mare needs to gain weight.

I'll try to get photos of both mare soon. Thanks for stopping by!

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