October 21 - THIS is how horses are SUPPOSED to look!
Beau was acting a little frisky again today. I was able to snap a couple photos before he "got over it" (Update - I just looked at the pictures again. See the white fence at the very top of the photo, where they have the gate off the hinges and leaning up against the fence? That's where the pretty little paint mare was turned out the other day.)
Does anyone else feel the urge to kiss this sweet little face?
Hey Beau, here's a big load of kisses (and a few good hugs) from Down Under for the cutest little stud muffin who is looking soooo good now xxxxxxxxxOOOOOOxxxxxxOxxxxOxxxxxxxOOOOOxxxxxxOxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxOxxxxxxxxxxxxOxxxxOxxxxxxOOxxxxOxOxOxOxOxOxOxOxOOOOOOOOOOxxxxxxxxxOxxxxxxxOxxxxxxOxxxxxxxxxxxx
Kiss that fuzzy nose, scratch under his jaw and give him the biggest hug ever! That is my urge anyway - hahaha
He has come so far! Good on you Karen!!
So glad you got the letter, and every word is true! :)
As for your previous note about stopping to call someone if the urge hits you - DO IT!! A dear friends husband just died and she needed our support. We left a little voice mail to tell her she was on our heart and mind. I didn't expect it but she called back and we had a wonderful talk. It's amazing what 1 little call can do.
One small note about the "milk dud" and the arrow picture. (former blog post) I looked at that pic long and hard - maybe it was the camera angle and/or the way the hair parted between the "milk dud" and arrow, but it reminded me of a old surgery scar. In the old days as a former vet tech I noticed that sometimes at the end of stitching up a wound or surgical opening, there was a fold of skin that puckered out a bit.
Does it seem to be anything like that? Just a thought to ponder.
Anyway - I am starting to talk baby talk to Beau's cute little face pic and realized I should probably hit the hay myself.
Thank you Karen for your wonderful updates.
Huge smiles,
k.park, lk wales, Fl
What a freakin' cuuuutie! He's got the most adorable face (besides my guys, of course)! He is gaining weight so fast, you are doing an AWESOME job! *kisses* to Beau!
It is so nice to see Beau doing so well. I've been reading all of your posts but haven't gotten a chance to post, but every time I read an update from you it just makes my day (with the exception of the lack of action by the sherrif... grrr).
That brings up something else going on here for me... there is a really emaciated horse (walking skeleton) I drive by every day. I have reported it to AC several times. The first time I was told they "just had the vet out, but keep an eye on it and if it doesn't improve call us back". I waited and watched and the horse is looking worse. I called back (it had been over a month and a half, PLENTY of time to out some weight on) and was told by the AC officer that they were "working on it" (but wouldn't give me a date of last or next visit) and that it takes a veeeeery long time to put weight on a horse.... I wonder if these ACO's are wven qualified soemtimes... it's so frustrating, I want to help this horse I just don't know what else to do. I'm just dreading the day I drive by and he/she isn't there anymore. Sorry for the rant Karren, I'm just at a loss here.
PS I wish I could send a bos of hugs kisses and scritches through the internet!!!
Thank you for the update at Beau! He is just to cute! I keep reading your blog, and enjoy the pictures. Beau is just to adorbale. That first picture just breaks me heart!
KTIBB: I know exactly how you feel. I hope that horse gets some help soon. The only thing I can think of to do, is to keep calling them, and maybe make a report to the sherriff office too.
ktibb: Is there anyway you can talk to the owners? Are they open to donations of hay, grain, supplements, beet pulp, blankets, information on how to put weight on a horse? I would also take pictures, find out AC's email address and keep sending them pictures of the animal and keep bugging them. The horse doesn't have anyone to fight for it unless someone like you cares!!
He is a doll!! I love that face, too!!
I showed my fiance the pictures of Beau. I told him how cute is little face, ears, and nose are and he said "He looks like every other brown horse. He looks exactly the same as George. Except George has a huge fat head." I was like whaaat?! They look NOTHING alike. Oh yeah, George is my 6 year, 15.2, bay, old TN Walker/Standardbred. You can imagine the resemblance, right? I don't really know what the point of this is.. just thought I'd share some male stupidity.
Jess - LOL!! Sounds like he was underly impressed!
Beau's winter wear donation from the "newly weds" hit the mail this afternoon!
Nikki - You guys are just AWESOME! Give Chad a big hug from Beau!
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