Friday -
Farrier came at 9:30, which was good because three needed trimming (Jinx, Jazzy, and Shyanna), but when I went to feed first thing, Angel was NOT right. She was off, limping on the front end. So farrier got there and checked her with a hoof tester - no reaction. AT ALL! There was heat and I thought perhaps there was an abscess, but nothing. So he thought and suggested that perhaps the alfalfa (21% protein) was too hot and she was trying to founder. BUT - her neck wasn't cresty, didn't have a temperature, and none of the other horses exhibited similar signs.
I pulled Angel out, switch her with Jinx (son Angel didn't have to walk so far), stood her a bucket of ice water, then slathered her down with Sore No More Poultice (I put it in the fridge after the first time)
Then we treated it like founder and ran off to get some grass hay. We got two ton - Mike, Mindy Shandi (Mindy's daughter) and I. We were going to get more, but it was hot and we ran out of steam after 2 ton. On the way back, we had the windows down because it was still cool enough (about 75 degrees) that the down window felt good. I heard something hit the window jam next to my head, then felt it on my shoulders. I took off my seat belt and scooted forward to look in the seat...nothing. Of COURSE there was nothing in the seat! It had fallen down the gap in the back of my pants!
It was a honey bee and it stung me! By this time, I was turned around and had JUST refastened my seat belt. So off came the seat belt! I undid my pant and leaning against the back of the seat, lifted my rear end and slid my jeans and panties down to my knees, all the while screaming and clawing frantically at the inside back of my jeans. I was yelling "Where is it?" over and over, and couldn't hear Mindy saying "It's in the seat!" So I plopped down on the seat, and the bee. Luckily for me, it was a one-shot johnie - and was mostly crushed already or I'd have gotten it again in more delicate parts. However, what Mindy said registered almost as soon as my bare butt hit the seat, so I whipped up out of the seat (still going about 35 mph - Mike was driving...and laughing) and I turned so I was standing facing the passenger seat with one hand on the back rest. Sounds fine, right? Well, guess where my big white, bare butt was... Resting on the dashboard giving oncoming cars full view.
Some poor older guy got a big ol' full moon just north of Pasco! I whined and bitched the whole way home. Mike told me to "Cowgirl up". I won't repeat what I told him to do.

We got home and off-loaded the hay, took a shower, and by 7:30 I had a full blown migraine, so I went to bed.
I still had a migraine, so Mike brought me one of my migraine pills to take. I apparently get really stupid when I get migraines because it never occurred to me to take it. I went back to sleep, while Mike, Josh (my son), Mindy, and Aurora went to go get more hay. By 10:00 am, I was feeling better (who'da thunk it) and went out to check on Angel. She was worse. So I made up some Strategy (grain), B-L Solution, and Silver Lining Herbs "Laminae Support" double strength. When she was done, I iced her legs and feet again.
The location of the heat was mostly in front and center. If you took two eggs and put the large ends together, one front the hairline up and the other below it, that's where most of the heat was. As Saturday progressed, the heat got worse and spread. At first it was one front, then the other, then both back feet. I started icing every hour, and feeding the SLH powder every two hours. Double dose.
The hay gang returned and we decided to let the hay sit on the trailer. Everyone was hot and tired. So we ate lunch and farted around, with me leaving every hour to soak, hose, and slather my horse's legs. By Saturday evening, she was 100% better, but still not walking and turning normally. Another thing is that she wasn't pointing either.
At 4:40 am, someone shot me in the eye. I swear they did! I came out of a dead sleep with the most excruciating in my head. I held my eye as I headed for the bathroom. I actually remember taking a migraine pill. I laid back down for 10 minutes, feeling hot, nauseous, and as though my brain was going to explode. I finally woke Mike and told him to take me to the hospital. He got up and off we rushed. 4 miles from home, I told him to pull over. The meds were working. I was feeling better. Take me back home. We went back to bed and I made Mike cuddle because I was now freezing to death. I remember him mumbling something about how he should have just kept going to the hospital, and perhaps he should have, but I felt 100% when I woke up.
Mike had fed the animals and when I asked him about Angel, he said she looked as though she walked normally. I gave her the B-L Solution and the SLH powder anyway, then check her feet. NO HEAT! AT ALL!! NONE! I will continue to feed her this for the next two weeks.
We off loaded the hay, ran over to get more B-L Solution, then came home to wash vehicles, and remove the rest of the rock from in front of the window. We decided that we were hot and were just getting around to quitting and taking showers when my folks showed up to pick up their dog. They'd gone down to Oregon to my cousin's wedding. We'd planned to go but I an so happy I didn't...I'd have returned to a crippled horse!
Dad said it was 92 degrees outside. No wonder we were hot!
Have a great week! (and quit laughing! It's not funny)