Saturday, November 8, 2008

UPDATE: Pudge is staying home with Sue

Sue has decided that she is not ready to give up on owning a baby. She is keeping Pudge.

I think this is a really good thing. She has spent a lot of time and money, and emotion on the little dude. She's just not ready to walk away.

Pudge is now at an amazing place, pastured with another foal who was recently weaned. Can you imagine? Two weanlings pastured and playing? Definitely something to sit at the window and watch!

Sue sat with the property owner and expressed her frustration. They had a long, involved discussion, and in the end, they both learned some things and at the end of the day, they came to an agreement on the best path forward.

While Pudge is most welcome here, (in truth I would LOVE to own him!) I'm very pleased that Sue isn't going to give up. Horse ownership can be both rewarding and heartbreaking.

But mostly rewarding!


Anonymous said...


I did ask the Hubby, but he doesn't know anyone anymore and his cousin had moved from Eagle to Salmon, which wouldn't have been helpful.

I am glad things worked out!

Karen V said...

I am too! I would have LOVED for him to come live with me, but Sue loves him so much. She should keep him and enjoy him.