Saturday, September 27, 2008

Who's the Boss??

I took hay out to the girls for their pm feeding.

I put one pile down, and Joy got to it first. I walked about 15 feet away and Heddy came up and pushed Joy off the first pile, so naturally she walked over to the second pile.

I walked anoth 20 feet or so and put down the third pile. Honey Bunny Boo Boo Bear (ack - I know...sorry) met me there and stood munching while I pet her and looked her over.

When I walk back to the gate, she followed me and pushed Heddy off pile #1.

Heddy went and pushed Joy off pile #2.

Joy went and pushed Honey off pile #1.

Honey pushed Heddy off pile #2.

Heddy went and pushed Joy off pile #1 (with a little nip to the back side, I might add)

Joy went and pushed Honey off pile #2. At this point, Honey said "screw it" and went over to pile #3.

That where they were when I left them, and despite all the round and round hay pile switching, I still don't know who's the boss.

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