Thursday, September 25, 2008

Back to pasture....

Everyone has been locked off pasture and to honest, they have been hating it! They don't get to eat whenever they want, they have to wait impatiently for mom to get to them, they don't get a whole lot of exercise, and it has pretty much just sucked!

Remember...I had drug the pasture and spread the poop. I wanted it to water in for a couple of days...

Anyway, last night, I took Honey and Heddy out to the neighbor's pasture. Of course since it was 5:00 pm, they were DYING of starvation! I put the halter on honey and led her out. Heddy followed only as far as the haystack (like 6 feet). I decided that I didn't want a replay of the run-around-the-house show, so I returned to the barn door with Honey and called to Heddy. After a couple minutes, she called for Honey and I heard her trotting in my general direction. After that, she followed right along and they were turned out together.

Then I went back in to get Joy. No problems. The girls were happy to all be together again and ambled off in search of grass.

1 comment:

ORSunshine said...

Of course they were unhappy! What's better than food?