"C's" comments were tongue-in-cheek, at least that's how I read it. Make up your own mind.
As for me asking for rehab money for someone else's horse - I was wrong and totally out of line. I have removed it from the blog. It will not happen again.
As for the question about the blanket - After Beau died, I asked Cathy Davis if she wanted the blanket back or if I could forward it to another rescue of her choice in her name. She asked me to keep the blanket.
Remember Beau? If not, his story starts HERE. I still think about him every day.
Beau was sent a NICE winter blanket from Cathy Davis in Ohio. Link here.
Beau didn't get to wear it for very long and it is still in like-new condition.
Show Ticket is little for a Thoroughbred. Maybe she just LOOKS little because she's so thin. But, Beau blanket fits perfectly!
Cathy Davis - you are still a hero!!
Ticket is not comfortable yet with going into the barn to eat, so I took her breakfast to her. She deserves to be spoiled!!
I got word that the piece of shit former owners are still at Emerald Down, racing. They can afford THAT but "can't" afford to feed this mare. I don't have a name, but I'm sure that will come out eventually.
I have the names.
It just annoys me. They ought to send me $500 to rehab their mare that they let get into this condition.
But ultimately, I'm just glad the mare is with us now and will be fat and healthy soon. Thank you, Karen!
I must say, I think that it's just not right for Ticket's new owner to expect donations from others to help with her rehab. She should've considered that *before* she pulled the mare from the kill pen. Unfortunately, many people buy horses on emotional whims, without considering the money it's going to take to feed and board them. I've seen this happen- it's especially true at auctions with kill buyers on site. As difficult as it is, no one should purchase a horse without an examination of their savings account.
Though I do wish this pretty mare nothing but the best, I say shame on her new owner for presuming others will take care of things for her. This is very irresponsible horse-keeping.
Kudos to you, Karen, for bringing Ticket to your home, but since you're not a rescue, I think her owner needs to show responsibility and pay for her own horse's rehab.
Anonymous - You are WAY out of line and totally off base!!
I simply put out there that if anyone would like to help to let me know and that assistance would be welcome.
Ticket's new owner has ZERO expectations of any assistance financially. Her ability to rehab this mare is not, and has never been an issue. It was not an emotional whim, nor is the new owner presuming others will take care of things for her.
Ticket's new owner is BY FAR one of the most responsible horse owners I know, and is more than willing to go without a lot of what you may consider a basic necessity to provide for this mare's care.
Since I have rehabbed some horses of my own, I know first hand that the first 3 or 4 months of cleaning up someone else's mess can be VERY expensive, since they usually are neglect cases and need extra, nutrition intensive feed that is costly, and rehabbing feet is also expensive because they usually are done more frequently and often recuire corrective shoeing, at least temporarily. Several of mine did.
The new owner NEVER asked ANYONE for help. I DID! Lord knows, a little help now and then is always welcome.
You owe the new owner an apology and if you can't muster that, at least a retraction of your comments.
Not much rehab to this mare. Just feed her a little bit extra and get her feet done. She is not in that bad of condition. Horses should never be fat. Being overweight for a horse is just as bad as being overweight for a person. And also be aware that she has been hauled and stressed in the past few weeks and thoroughbreds can drop weight very quickly.
Tsk Tsk and shame on you! You clearly stated you can barely squeeze this mare in and now you and Cathy are asking for donations to rehab a horse that you CHOSE to pay for. Deal with it the way the rest of us who own horses, either show self restrain and NOT buy one you cannot afford or make sure you have the resources to care for it. You have that nice "sexy" tractor. Perhaps you can sell it instead of begging for money. Are you a 501c3? Do you keep receipts on the "donations" for the value of things given to you like Beau's blanket. You and Cathy are nothing but two mid-life women who have no self control and have become hoarders. SHAME ON YOU BOTH!
Cathy isn't asking for donations. I did that. And she will be rehabbed with or without help.
I'm not BEGGING for anything.
No I am not a 501c3 as I have clearly stated on numerous occasions. I have only received outside help for ONE of the horses I took into my care and that was Beau. Those who chose to help did so to help the horse, not me.
SHIT! How did I become a hoarder! Next thing you know I'm going to be featured on the Fugly Blog! Oh wait, I already HAVE!!
Well then, shame on YOU for asking for donations for the care of someone else's horse. If the owner is not asking for help and you are being paid for caring for the horse, why would you have the audacity to ask people to donate to this horse's cause?
I would have to agree with anonymous.If the new owner is not asking for donations then you definetly should not be looking to make money off her new horse.And if c bought the horse knowing it's condition then the old owners should not be sending her 500.00.You save a horse for you are a compassionate person not someone looking for donations or prior owners money to take care of it.And how many other horses besides this one does C have ?
Anonymous-you should seriously post WHO the heck you think you are. That being said, Karen - there is absolutely nothing wrong with what you do! You sometimes take horses from homes that obviously couldn't afford them anymore and make their lives better. Cudos to you.
Anonymous and jim, OMG you two are the biggest jerks. What Karen and Cathy are doing for this mare is awsome. NO I dont know either of these people personally, but I read both of thier blogs on a daily basis, and think the work that they do is awsome. Wish I had some money to send thier way to help the mare, but thanks to my "friends" putting me in a bad situation here, I cant but boy I wish I could. Keep up the good work Karen and Cathy
The whole thing is exactly as fugly blogs about.If you do not have the money to support the horse do not get it..If the farm owner cannot care for the horse with what she is charging for board then she needs to up her board for rehab boarding or she needs to say no.
Rehabbing a rescued horse is expensive, and there is nothing terrible in seeing if anyone feels like donating to care, even if it's not a registered nonprofit. Is the tax deduction necessary to make a gesture well-meant?
It seems like the owner can pay for the horse's care, and the barn owner was just being sweet and making a suggestion. To those who are acting like this is the biggest outrage you've experienced in your life: While your arguments for personal responsibility of any horse owner are sound, it seems like you just really want a chance to be as shrill and angry as possible on what seems to be a really happy blog. I can't see how being that negative really helps anyone.
"I got word that the piece of shit former owners are still at Emerald Down, racing. They can afford THAT but "can't" afford to feed this mare. I don't have a name, but I'm sure that will come out eventually."
What a happy blog.
It seems the only people *outraged* were Karen and Cathy's supporters. They are the only ones I see calling people names, right Shawn?
It's not like this is a long-term neglect case nor is the mare in such poor condition that she looks to need anything other than regular groceries and the ordinary things that almost all horses bought out of a low end auction need-hoof trim, teeth done, deworming and brought UTD on vaccinations.
I could see if Karen got to work getting these routine items done and found out that Ticket suddenly had a previously unknown problem come up and it was going to require extra funds. But to just start asking for money before knowing if there were any problems seems, uhhh, a bit desperate.
Just because Cathy Atkinson found another red TB mare she couldn't live without, doesn't automatically make it a *rescue*. If the previous owners wanted to put $500 into this mare, I'm sure they would have and NOT sold her. It just astounds me that people buy horses out of auctions and think that the previous owners are still somehow responsible for the care of the horse they sold. If they had the money or wanted to spend the money on the horse, they would have spent it on the horse and not sold it for a few hundred dollars at a low end auction. If you are the one buying horses at low end auctions, you get what you get.
It's just sad that Karen has allowed Cathy to turn her place into a place to dump horses she had no business buying in the first place. And that Karen is feeling desperate enough to have started soliciting donations for said horses. Makes a person wonder what exactly is going on, doesn't it?
Karen: I am so glad you could help out with this mare. She is sure a cutie, and I look forward to her progress....
It is always easy to criticize and be a total jerk when the Anonymous name is behind what you say.
You girls Rock and are the saving grace for the lucky ones that get your help!
I don't care who is right or wrong here, but I do know that Mendy and her daughter are becoming the biggest hyporcrites of all with their internet campaign. Yes, Cathy outed them for having that horse on the slaughter truck when they were trying to be a `rescue'. They sold the damn thing for $80, exactly where did they think it was going to end up????? Now they are starting blogs defending themselves, but not admitting its them adn now they are over here raising hell. I'm not a huge fan of Cathy either, but why attack the owner of the farm she chooses to board her horses at? All animals here appear to be very well cared for an loved.....Unlike Mendy's farm I don't see hanging barbed wire and bend corral panels laying around....Let it go people!
Mendy and Caitlin, if you got hurt and called out for a mistake you made, constantly bringing it up is only making YOU look bad at this point. Protest too much?
Holy Guacamole Batman...I've never seen so much action over here and I read every post! (0:
I have to agree with Anon #5. And add that nothing that was posted here in the comments did anything of any use.
I doubt one persons mind was changed on any level....
Wow, nice case of apples and oranges Anon! If fugly featured Mendy, why shouldn't Mendy defend herself?! And what has that got to do with the concerns raised? It is the internet after all...
That would have nothing to do with the fact that fugly has blogged many times about owners who got themselves overextended buying one horse too many, and about organizations that asked for donations when they were NOT a 501c3. Fugly also encourages people with honest concerns to express them.
The blog owner herself saw that that might be a conflict, and quite rightfully pulled the donation request. Kudos to her, and it looks like the mare's owner got a nice horse cheap at an auction. Good for her. With some weight and training, the mare should be worth many times her purchase price.
I'm not commenting on the post, I'm just here to confront the Anonymous at 1:09. I'm Caitlin, I would love it if you would keep your nose out of my business. The only blog I have is my personal one, which no one reads and my photo sharing site. I read some of the blogs and found my way over here. Thanks for spreading rumors when you don't know shit about me or my horses.
And sorry, it was anonymous at 11:18, I scrolled down too far when looking for the timestamp. Again, sorry to stick my nose in here, but I will defend myself when I have never done anything to be featured on any blog and don't run a public blog.
How about I weigh in here? I'm NaughtyTobiano and I left anon comment because i don't keep google accounts or any other BS unless I have to. I have nothing to do with Mendy except for living in the same state. I saw her recently at a clinic. Most highly attended clinic at the weekend seminar and insightful. Sorry you have a problem with her defending herself but if you bitch at someone like her, she probably will defend herself. So for all the anons running around, take a good look. Naughty Tobiano. I do believe that Mendy uses a name when she posts and unless she's real freaking talented and can be the people runningh Rebels and AC4H and the NSH people and the Arabian people and the old couple from California you better start accusing the rest of them as well. Why is it one anon dogging Mendy? I'd really, really like to know. Please be sure to make a note of who you want to bitch and scream at: Naughty Tobiano. Thanks for trolling, Cathy.
Ok... I had been keeping up with this for a couple days... and I have to ask the anonymous poster that brought up Mendy and Caitlin why that was even mentioned? People on here were asking about the horse and the whole donation thing, but never once was Mendy, Caitlin, slaughter, barbed wire, or fugly mentioned... so why bring it up now?
We also are making a comment. No one knows EXACTLY who contributes to the hypocrisy blog. There are several writers from all over the country. If you want to assume it's one particular person, than by all means, make an ass out of yourself. However, there are quite a few writers and several of them had never even read that nonsense posted by the self proclaimed horse guru, but once they were presented with a sample of the crap being spewed as horse gospel they were on board. Also we don't pick at the all mighty's personal life nor do we hunt her down and go after her. It's not an isolated case. Maybe instead of sitting on your ass telling people how to do it, you should go out and try to ride your damn horse. It would be so much more beneficial and you might learn to hate a little less. Leave people alone. AufishUnicorn (the writing team)
Easy enought to think that the hypocracy blog is Mendy and Caitlin considering most of the original post were directly to do to their horses and what they claim was wrong done to them....Palimono stud that was `free'. Yup, they now have him except he's quite thin and poorly looking last time they posted pics of him. Oh and he still has his family jewels because, yes, they agreed to breed him in return for gettig him for free....
Blog about the little sorrel horse and its mistaken identity....well that would be the horse that ended up on a slaughter truck with Mendy's name on the coggins. They can't fathom how markings on a face change as a horse grows or will look different from summer to winter.....You know because the concept of the pigmented skin underneath being the one thing that will ever change or grow is hard for them to grasp.....I have honestly seen them whining about these two issues for at least six months and I don't even know how long ago they were actually posted on FHOTD. THEY are the ones that keep lifting their skirts over their heads and jumping up and down....They say they don't own the blog, well they are most certainly contributors and they edit comments with a very heavy hand too. I actually felt sorry for them until this latest blog went up and its all about issues they have had a hand in. Like I said, you sell a horse at a mixed auction for $80 you know damn well where he's headed for....their hands are not exactly clean....nobody's are....but why harrass the woman that is boarding the horses here? Its a nice facility, the animals are in good flesh and the fencing looks safe....Is this really the best you can do to stir up dirt? Enough already!
Ok, Anon... answer me this... why was this brought up on this blog? No one commented about Mendy or the other blog that you are mentioning until YOU brought it up. What is YOUR beef with them?
This too is for the anon and just like you, you chicken shit, I'm going anonymous and I don't know anything about this. But I did check out hypocrisy and guess what I found. I found their last blog was about Rebel's Feed Lot Sales not some chick defending herself. I read back some and it's a new twist on stuff already featured. Like the National Sport Horses or the history lesson concerning the branches of government. So you don't like they sold a horse & they put up a blog defending it. And there is also a posting about helmets or the lack there of. And so what if they did decide to use the blog to defend themselves. How is that any different than boasting your own rescue? Little stupid if you ask me to randomly grab some person's name because you think it's them.
I posted it here because it won't be editted here. I have not sworn or called any names. I also posted here because you linked to THIS blog and called your own sheeple over here to attack an innocent person. I have no problem with anybody defending themselves other than the fact that most people would have long forgotten about the issues Caitlin keeps whining all over the net about. All of this was a LONG time ago....I have seen no posts or mention of this stuff other than what they, themselves, keep rehashing....I even thought they got a rough deal from Cathy until they kept on whinign and bringing it up.....then when they admitted that they sold the horse for $80 and left him there, that's as good as loading him on the slaughter trailer in person....I honestly think somebody that does something like that, yet claims to love all animals is delusional. Nobody that loves an animal could put them in jeopardy of slaughter, let alone sign, seal and deliver one.....and no, I dont't really care that the animal was `dumped' on you or not.....do the right thing. A well placed bullet at home is far more humane than abandonment at an auction house and then off to slaughter. But I forgot, you guys are the lazy ones that think slaughter is the ONLY answer to the horse population problem.....Probably why you're breeding that stump necked yellow horse you got for free while taking shots at Cathy's stud (who also isn't a worthy stud prospect).....
So call all the names you want. I used to be on your side until you created this latest blog and even posted pictures of the horse in question. I then realized he was in substandard conditions when you had him and went from the frying pan into the fire. Letting him go for $80 was NOT doing the right thing....it was a pussy way out. Now you won't even post any updates on Convoy because he was a bone rack last time you did....I am actually afraid to see him after he's put most of a winter in......I'm no longer a fan of Mendy and Caitlin although I will freely admit that Mendy has far more class than her kid....
Um, I got linked her from the fhotdreview blog...
No herb will cure love.
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