(UPDATE - Added Saturday and Sunday)
Here's how MY weekend is stacking up...
Got home from work at 11:30 am. Mike and I had half a turkey sammich and some homemade chicken noodle soup. Then we took a nap until 1:30. When we got up, Mike went to a movie, then to my nephew's swim meet. When I got up, I turned the horses out, ripped and groomed the arena

Arena looks good, huh! The "lumpy" parts are poop. We spread it in the arena, then work it in. If we ever decide to plant grass, we will have to mow every day to keep it from turning into a jungle!
Then I fixed the fence that Bullwinkle took down, met Tara for dinner, went with her to help her retrieve her panels. I got home a little after 9:00 pm, locked up the horses, fed and topped off water tubs, showered and collapsed into bed. (The day had started at 4:00 am)
I fed the horses while Mike finished putting up the bird screen on the south side of the barn. (Picture below) There are still a few holes to fill in, but it shouldn't take him long.

I pulled him off that task to drive the four-wheeler and trailer out in the pasture to pick up the piles of poop that the "elephants" had left yesterday. Once the trailer was empty, I unhitched the trailer, moved the drag out to the pasture, then hooked it up to the four-wheeler. Mike wasn't feeling well, so he went inside to lay down while I dragged and smoothed that last of the poops in preparation of me fertilizing.
Our drop-spreader has a flat tire, and it's all "boogered up" (yes, that's a technical term), so I had to use the one pictured below.

In all, I think I walked 400 miles up and down the pasture. Lucky for me, I had put the heavy bags in the trailer behind the four-wheeler, so that helped a little bit.
I was mostly done when Mike came back out. While I finished up the fertilizing, Mike mowed the yard, then high spots in the pasture.

When that task was finished, we came in for some lunch. After, Mike went to his last physical therapy appointment and I sprayed weeds. I decided I'd had enough for the day and took my shower. For dinner we're having more chicken noodle soup (unless Mike comes up with something equally as yummy) and Kali is going to dye my hair.
I might even be able to stand a Peanut Buster Parfait at Dairy Queen...
Saturday, I cleaned more stalls and helped Mike finish the bird screening in the barn. There was one baby bird still in the nest, so we left a place open until it is big enough to fly to coop!
We quit early, had an early supper, then relaxed the rest of the evening.
Mike decided to dig up and replace fence posts. There were some in the front pasture that weren't "doing anything", so we took them out. The front pasture now looks like... well... a pasture!

That's Kaci and Jazzy...
So Mike was able to get one post replaced. Note that the BEFORE picture appears to have been gnawed by our "beaver", named Jazzy...

Bullwinkle, in his infinite boredom, helped, I'm sure!

Here's a barn shot, just because!