This knee is MUCH more swollen and purple now...
The first days were a piece of cake and he thought "This isn't so bad!" Well last night, all the numbing was completely worn off and it kicked his butt! The pain was so bad he was nauseated, hot flashes, shocky, the works. We dosed him with pain killers and ice packs and got him back to bed. He was up moving around this morning, so he must be feeling better.
Before last night, he was thinking he'd just go ahead and have the other one done. He has rethought that option now.
I got stalls cleaned this morning and some of the horses turned out. Not all get to go out because of weight issues, founder probability, or she (Lucy) is hard to catch and get back to her stall. She would have to be turned out with Foxy and Chili...
Tomorrow, I'm loading up the tractor and heading over to Mindy's house. I have offered to work up her arena and round pen for her. She will pay fuel costs, and buy me lunch! Plus it will give me a break from playing "Nurse Ratchet"!
Little Miss TickyToo!!! (Show Ticket) She looks good, doesn't she? She is the sweetest thing - loves to cuddle and be brushed! She reminds me a LOT of Thai!
Yes - that's a boo-boo on her face and yes, it's been doctored.